Aura Library is a feature on the EyeAuras website that allows users to share and discover auras created by others. By default, all exported or shared auras are Unlisted, meaning they can only be accessed through a direct link. However, the author of an aura pack has the ability to change its visibility to Public, thereby allowing it to appear in the Aura Library.
This feature enables users to find, import, and use the auras created by others, or to build upon existing ones.
Before making your aura pack public, it's crucial to provide a detailed description of what the pack does. Tagging your pack accurately and giving it a fitting title will make it easier for others to discover. Include any game settings and resolution requirements that might affect the performance of the pack.
After you've provided all the necessary information, you can set your aura pack to Public visibility. Remember, once set to Public, your pack will be visible to all users in the Aura Library.
The Aura Library supports filters by name, tags, author, visibility, and other features of the pack. This makes it easy for users to find the type of auras they're interested in.
When you update an aura pack that you've shared, the changes are automatically picked up by the Aura Library. This ensures that users always have access to the latest versions of your auras.
EyeAuras also provides a synchronization feature. This allows users to monitor a particular Share and receive notifications whenever changes are made. It's similar to subscribing or following a specific author in the Aura Library.