Is a separate panel in the app, which shows important events that have happened, such as keyboard/mouse events, network interaction, messages generated by C# scripts and network communication. Also, if something bad happened - such as internal error, it will also be shown here.
All events are grouped by their importance level, starting from Trace and all the way to Error
By default, filter is set to Info
- Trace is the lowest log level message and is usually used for printing things like network packets content and logging the very core mechanisms of application. It tends to be very spammy.
- Debug usually used to show states of operations, i.e. that the app has started or ended doing something. Loading and unloading auras go into this category
- Info is something that may directly affect the user and his experience with the program - pressing keys, moving mouse, playing notifications
- Warning is mostly used to indicate that something went not the way it was expected, but it could be dealt with by the program. For example, the app has failed to send message to Telegram on the first try, but was able to do it on a second.
- Error means that something went bad - script terminated with error, the app has failed to activate window, etc
- Different events log different text to the console
- Each message usually has context indicating what has generated the message - this could be Aura, Tree, System or other entity
- You can use filtering mechanism to watch only those events you're interested in