Replica Overlay in EyeAuras enables the display of a real-time replica of another window or a specific region of it within an overlay. This can be especially useful when you want to monitor a specific area of a window without keeping the entire window in focus.
You can refer to the common overlay options here: Common Options
This option lets you choose which window you'd like to clone. You can specify the target window using the Window Match Expression. More information about Window Match Expression can be found here.
This option lets you choose a specific region of the target window that you want to clone. This can be useful when you only want to monitor a part of a window, like a progress bar or a chat box.
These options are used to determine the final region that gets cloned in the overlay. The Offset and Anchor options modify the Region in a specific way to give you the final area. More information on how these are calculated can be found here.
This option allows the Replica Overlay to link to another Aura. This is especially useful when you want to create a replica of a region detected by another Aura, such as Image Search. When linked, the Replica Overlay will use the region defined by the linked Aura. If the linked Aura has multiple active regions, the Replica will pick up the first activated one.